Episode 1629 - Modi Rosenfeld
Some comedians think of comedy as a higher calling, but Modi Rosenfeld
knows exactly where the call came from. He points to a story of two
comedians in the...
3 days ago
I love it--though it looks worryingly like my last workplace.
Reminds me a bit of Beetlejuice, in which the afterlife is seen as a bureaucracy staffed with ghosts still bearing their fatal wounds.
I'm intrigued. I'd like to know more about this.
Nice work Bob! Love to see your new stuff.
Damn, I love your work and I sometimes I wonder how do you create it,..is it on large or regular A4 typing paper, only pencils , colored pencils, ink wash or you twik it in computer?
Loved your From the Ashes pamphlets and had to get the book also as it deserves it.
Andre Franquin master of comics
Thanks "Anonymous." Don't be shy; use your name.
I, too, love Franquin's work. I draw mostly on American letter-sized paper, though sometimes I work larger, on ledger size (11x17) or 12x18 sketch paper. I draw with Col-erase colored pencils.
Tnx Bob. colerase pencils,..very nice. Yeah, I do not remember my account password, so signing under anonymous,,I hate all these registering with million passwords to remember all ovoer....
I also draw on A4 Rhodia blank paper (I think its about letter size 80 pages per pad) as it is super smooth but I suck at drawing :)
Thanks again and looking forward to more of your work...
Dzevad Dz-man
So was that how the linework in From The Ashes was done? (Loved it, by the way!) Fan of yours since Minimum Wage, thanks for all the great work!
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