My friend Karl Heitmueller (Pops Gustav, to those who follow his blogs), is curating an art show at Maxwell's in Hoboken. The show, "One-Sheet Redux", invites the contributors to do their takes on movie posters. I was debating which to do, but then I got inspired by Jonathan Lethem's new treatise on John Carpenter's paranoiac classic sci-fi flick They Live. I love that movie (I dig lots of Carpenter's movies), and between acne-scarred, tough guy/baby faced, ruddy "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and super cool Keith David, I found my huckleberry.
Episode 1609 - Mo Welch
After evacuating her home and consoling family members who lost their house
in the LA fires, comedian Mo Welch acknowledges that she’s visiting Marc’s
1 day ago
That's wonderful! I haven't seen 'They Live' in years--I have to hunt it down. And I need to rewatch 'The Thing' before the new prequel fucks it up.
Thanks, James. Have you read the Lethem book? I saw you covered it on Caustic Cover Critic.
Not yet--it's somewhere over the sea in the post at the moment. But I'm looking forward to it.
I'm nearly done with it (it's a tiny, quick read). Quite enjoyable. Unfortunately, none of the coming titles in the series hold any interest.
Oh my gawd, dude. This is one of my favorite movies and has played in the BG countless times while I work. Love this piece. If you make prints, I want one.
Thanks, Brian. I'll let you know.
They Live is a classic. Maybe the greatest fist fight ever? Very cool illustration!
Hey, I put on a show of re-imagined John Carpenter posters here in Glasgow, Scotland this time last year, here is a link to the images if anyone is interested
This blog is fantastic.
Thanks, Mark. I checked out your blogs, too. Great stuff, sir.
I know I'm a little late on this, but I was wondering if there's any way to acquire the Rob & Sylvia pewter figurines from back in th' day? I work at Double Danger Comics in Minneapolis, and would proudly display them at our store! We have a FB page, so if that's the easiest way to contact, rock it out!
Anonymous: Not sure what relevance your comment has to the They Live topic, but to answer your question, thanks for asking but you're about a decade late. Sorry.
Nice, I've got one that can see !
"They Live and We Sleep, You Starve and They Eat !!! "
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