...I think about Hell a lot. Not as a reality. I just like the concept. What can I say? I liked the
Inferno portion of Dante's
Divine Comedy. Lot of good art's been inspired by Hell. I still hope that someday I'll do my epic set there, be it a prose novel, or graphic one. Something. I'd really like to do it. Here's a drawing I did a while ago, just playing with demons, etc.
Really, though, what kind of "artist" would I be if I
didn't think about demons?
The torments of Hell certainly do inspire artists to achieve pinnacles of the grotesque. The pleasures of Heaven? Not so much. The ceilings in a cathedral in Florence have the most incredible murals of demons torturing sinners, topped (physically, not aesthetically) by a vanilla mandalla of saints and angels praising the Almighty.
Yeah, I know the one. The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo). The panoramic mural is like a Coney Island freak show puke-fest of grotesqueries. Naked people with spikes being shoved up their asses by heinous demons. Great. The artists (Giorgio Vasari and Federico Zuccari) clearly had a ball with the nasty. The nice? Not so much.
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