Wednesday, March 26, 2008

For an Atheist...

...I think about Hell a lot. Not as a reality. I just like the concept. What can I say? I liked the Inferno portion of Dante's Divine Comedy. Lot of good art's been inspired by Hell. I still hope that someday I'll do my epic set there, be it a prose novel, or graphic one. Something. I'd really like to do it. Here's a drawing I did a while ago, just playing with demons, etc.

Really, though, what kind of "artist" would I be if I didn't think about demons?


the hanged man said...

The torments of Hell certainly do inspire artists to achieve pinnacles of the grotesque. The pleasures of Heaven? Not so much. The ceilings in a cathedral in Florence have the most incredible murals of demons torturing sinners, topped (physically, not aesthetically) by a vanilla mandalla of saints and angels praising the Almighty.

Bob Fingerman said...

Yeah, I know the one. The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo). The panoramic mural is like a Coney Island freak show puke-fest of grotesqueries. Naked people with spikes being shoved up their asses by heinous demons. Great. The artists (Giorgio Vasari and Federico Zuccari) clearly had a ball with the nasty. The nice? Not so much.